Quick & yummy bean salad

Part of being a mom is learning how to make food fast. For some reason kids go from zero to STARVING in 3 seconds and somehow manage to be the clingiest at meal time. Since I like to keep things like canned beans stocked in the house I was able to throw this together and … Continue reading

Muscle Muffins

When I was given the list of things I was allowed to eat by my diet coach I immediately started brain storming on how to make things more interesting. Breakfast at my house is a busy time and if I can’t grab my food and run, I don’t get to eat. Now that I’m prepping … Continue reading


I keep talking to friends with children who are picky eaters and have been trying to figure out a good, quick, nutrient rich recipe to post – So here it is…My Daddy’s Waffles! Most of you know my father is a fitness buff and very concerned about his diet. He also is married to my … Continue reading