Quick & yummy bean salad

Part of being a mom is learning how to make food fast. For some reason kids go from zero to STARVING in 3 seconds and somehow manage to be the clingiest at meal time. Since I like to keep things like canned beans stocked in the house I was able to throw this together and … Continue reading

Macro-fit salad!

Something I’ve learned over the years is to make extra of everything. When I make dinner at night, I could easily serve 4-5 very hungry large men. Why do I do this?? For LEFTOVERS! As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t like to eat food unless it tastes amazing. Sure there’s some trial and error with … Continue reading

Yummy Greek yogurt

I’m constantly searching for new ways to make plain ingredients taste like a cheat. Since yesterday was one of my higher carb days I knew I had some flexibility with foods. I was craving something sweet and so began my grazing through the fridge while the little dude napped. I like to let my cravings … Continue reading

Fast, kinda boring, HEALTHY lunch

The little dude just woke up and we need to run errands so we are having lunch! I prep my meals about 2 weeks out so I can “heat and eat”. Today is chicken, brown rice and a simple salad of baby greens with a little red wine vinegar & sea salt. The WONDERFUL part … Continue reading