Not your grandma’s shepherds pie

We recently bought a bunch of organic beef in bulk and I’m doing my darndest to be creative with it. I’m also trying to be better about using what I have in the house. Since my forte is making “something” out of “nothing” I opened my fridge & came up with this little puppy….after a … Continue reading

Cioppino (pronounced cha-peeno)

I’ve been meaning to post this for the past two weeks – SORRY!!! During contest prep I like to invite friends over for dinner so I can control the food. Yes, that makes me controlling BUT it also makes life easier and more fun. Going out can be challenging and for some, risky so I … Continue reading

Thai Chicken Pizza, say “whaa?!”

I’m on a pizza KICK. I’ll pretty much put any topping on some whole wheat crust and somehow it’s delish! My coach just cut my macros so I’ve been trying to find ways to eat less fat – boohoo. No more whole eggs three times a day…such a shame. Last night I was short on … Continue reading

Chili to warm your bones

This has been a trying week. The hubby has been out of town and our sweet little buddy has had a terrible virus and running a wicked fever. He’s been incredibly needy & snuggly which I don’t mind but its kind of hard to make dinner while holding a 30lb toddler who absolutely won’t allow … Continue reading

The proper care and feeding of husbands

My husband LOVES a really great burger. Since we rarely eat red meat I figured I’d splurge and cook a super duper yummy burger for dinner and surprise him with it! Ya, ya, ya, I know, “surprise my husband with a healthy meal”…I think he’d be more surprised by fried chicken. I digress. Since I … Continue reading


For the past few nights I’ve been pooped. The thought of making dinner sounds, well, daunting. In this case I start thinking, “Ok, What do I have that’s super fast and easy????”. I stand with the doors to my fridge and freezer open and see an “Amy’s frozen roasted veggie pizza”. AH-HA!!! I like to … Continue reading

Neat-loaf, don’t be afraid of the name!

I became a vegan a while ago because even though I don’t eat crap, I have super high cholesterol.  I started pinning and googling vegan recipes and found one in particular that rocked my socks.  I’ve made  this recipe a number of times and tweaked it enough to call it MOSTLY my own…I am crediting … Continue reading