Not your grandma’s shepherds pie

We recently bought a bunch of organic beef in bulk and I’m doing my darndest to be creative with it.

I’m also trying to be better about using what I have in the house.

Since my forte is making “something” out of “nothing” I opened my fridge & came up with this little puppy….after a little recipe research on shepherds pie.

I’m currently eating as many carbs as I want so I didn’t make this recipe to out of low carb necessity – I was just using what I had available.

This is a super easy fantastic meal that freezes well & could be a great dinner to take to a family with a new baby. As always, you can sub the protein with ground anything – I like to keep it on the lean side since I want to put my fats towards things like Reece cups! Ha!

Here’s what you’ll need for a 2qt pan (I like to double the recipe cause it’s so easy but this list isn’t for a double batch)
For the Filling:
1 yellow onion, chopped
1lb ground meat (chicken, turkey, beef, lamb…I used 95/5 ground beef)
1 LARGE carrot chopped
1/2 Tblspn rosemary
1/2 Tblspn thyme
2 tspn chopped garlic or garlic powder
1 can tomato paste
1/2 cup chicken or veggie stock
1 Tblspn Worcestershire sauce
Sea salt

For the cauliflower purée:
1 head cauliflower, removed from stalk
3 servings fromage blanc 0 or fat free cream cheese
2 teaspoons Greek seasoning
Sea salt

In a large pot (I use a Dutch oven) spray the bottom and sides with cooking spray and heat on medium/high. Add your onion. Once the onion has browned add your protein, rosemary, garlic, thyme, sea salt & pepper. Then stir like your life depends on it! Or like you want the protein broken into smaller pieces and well mixed with the spices. Nice you’ve browned your protein add your carrots, tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce & chicken stock. The let it cook on LOW while you make your purée.

Pre heat your oven to 425

In a separate pot (feel free to use a steamer pot or basket). You will steam your cauliflower until tender. This usually takes about 10-15min max. Once it’s soft, carefully (it’s HOT) put it in either a REALLY powerful blender OR a food processor with the cream cheese & Greek seasoning. Blend until smooth (2min max).

Spray your 2qt baking dish with non stick spray, pour the meat mixture into the base, using a spoon to mash it down evenly. Then pour the cauliflower purée on top, smoothing it with a spatula. Bake for 20 minutes at 425!




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