Quick & yummy bean salad

Part of being a mom is learning how to make food fast. For some reason kids go from zero to STARVING in 3 seconds and somehow manage to be the clingiest at meal time. Since I like to keep things like canned beans stocked in the house I was able to throw this together and … Continue reading

Chocolate chip cookie muffins

These can also be made into cookies, I was just short on time 🙂 As always, wet and dry ingredients are mixed separately then added together. I top my cookies/muffins with chocolate chips to ensure each one’s macros are perfect! Dry ingredients: 🔸56g Beverly Vanilla UMP 🔸56g barley flour 🔸56g coconut flour 🔸52g Splenda brown … Continue reading

More brownies?!!

I really need to consider sharing more of my dinner recipes….eh, oh well…here’s another brownie for ya! I’m still working on making these taste more peanut buttery – and yes, I’ll share that recipe when I master it!! What your sexy self will need: Two bowls; one for dry and one for wet ingredients, a … Continue reading

Rich, chocolatey protein cupcakes

I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I try to eat dessert for every meal 😉 ha! And because I have SUCH a sweet tooth, I have to work EXTRA hard to make things that will satisfy my cravings and keep my ass cellulite free-ish. I’ve been working on perfecting my cupcakes since they … Continue reading