Cake…I’m just gonna stop there with the name

What is dieting all about? For me it’s about the challenge to consume as much food that tastes like heaven but makes my body look like a goddess (the body is still a work in progress..ahem)

I also don’t like using fake stuff…meaning sugar free this or that, with my one exception of sugar free fat free pudding MIX – I really try to keep things whole foods only. Well, because of this I’ve learned to like flavors and textures that the normal junk eating American wouldn’t go near. Well my sweet friends – this recipe will fool ANY junk food connoisseur. I literally had to stop eating multiple times because I was freaking out about how amazing and non-squashy it tasted.

That said, I’ve been wanting cake and brownies like a fat kid…eh, wants cake..meh, bad example but you get the idea. Thanks to the amazing world of Instagram I’ve learned some new tricks. One of them is coconut flour and the other is squash. Ya ya ya, I know squash isn’t anything new BUT what IS new (to me) is Kabocha squash. It looks similar to an acorn squash but has 8g of carbs in 100g serving versus acorn squash’s 14.6g of carbs.

Oddly enough I couldn’t find these amazing little babies anywhere except for Meijer, although my next stop was the Asian Market and I’m guessing the probably would have had them.

Ok ok enough. To the recipe – I have to give credit to Amanda Clark click her name and it’ll take you to her blog, she’s amazing – I promise.

I tweaked her recipe a little to fit my macros. And with the following I came up with 25p/33c/6f

Your sexy self will need:
100g cooked kabocha
1/4 cup greek yogurt
2 tbsp almond milk
1 egg white (or 46g liquid whites)
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp coconut flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla and almond extracts
stevia to taste

Mix all ingredients; microwave 4 minutes

Mix chocolate sauce;
5g Hershey’s cocoa powder
5g sf/ff chocolate pudding MIX
Just enough almond milk to make it a thick sauce

Place a plate upside down on top of the bowl; flip quickly; shake gently until bowl releases from cake.

Pour the sauce onto the cake and top with the warmed up/chopped up 1/2 quest bar and two strawberries – sliced.


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