Chili to warm your bones

This has been a trying week. The hubby has been out of town and our sweet little buddy has had a terrible virus and running a wicked fever. He’s been incredibly needy & snuggly which I don’t mind but its kind of hard to make dinner while holding a 30lb toddler who absolutely won’t allow … Continue reading

Cookin up some Quinoa!

I hear so many people these days “ooh and ahh” anytime quinoa comes up. I typically make it for dinner with a little veggie broth instead of water but when I became a vegan I decided to get fancy and try it….for breakfast! I personally have always loved a hot breakfast – even during the … Continue reading

The proper care and feeding of husbands

My husband LOVES a really great burger. Since we rarely eat red meat I figured I’d splurge and cook a super duper yummy burger for dinner and surprise him with it! Ya, ya, ya, I know, “surprise my husband with a healthy meal”…I think he’d be more surprised by fried chicken. I digress. Since I … Continue reading


For the past few nights I’ve been pooped. The thought of making dinner sounds, well, daunting. In this case I start thinking, “Ok, What do I have that’s super fast and easy????”. I stand with the doors to my fridge and freezer open and see an “Amy’s frozen roasted veggie pizza”. AH-HA!!! I like to … Continue reading

Yummy Greek yogurt

I’m constantly searching for new ways to make plain ingredients taste like a cheat. Since yesterday was one of my higher carb days I knew I had some flexibility with foods. I was craving something sweet and so began my grazing through the fridge while the little dude napped. I like to let my cravings … Continue reading

WOW, It’s been a while!

Ah! I always hate starting with an apology – but here goes! Please forgive me for being absent for the last, oh, 6 months! To bring everyone up to speed…last time I posted I was dieting to compete in my first figure competitions which I took 3rd at the first and won the overall title … Continue reading