I keep talking to friends with children who are picky eaters and have been trying to figure out a good, quick, nutrient rich recipe to post – So here it is…My Daddy’s Waffles!
Most of you know my father is a fitness buff and very concerned about his diet. He also is married to my mother, the amazing healthy cook. After following a body builder diet for many years he was craving something MORE out of breakfast. Not just egg whites, cottage cheese and oatmeal. So out of desperation he dumped all 3 into a blender and found himself with a batter. A few failed attempts at pancakes he poured what was left into the waffle iron and VOILE! Light, crispy, fluffy WAFFLES!!!! And they didn’t taste healthy! I’ve been making them ever since and adding my own spin…don’t believe the recipe? Try ’em for yourself – they will BLOW you away and your kids will NEVER know what hit ’em!

* 1/2 Dozen Eggs or Egg white substitute
* 1 small container of Quick Cook Oatmeal
* 1 large container of Low Fat Cottage Cheese

Heat waffle iron on high and spray with PAM. I measure my ingredients this way: 1 cup eggs, 1 cup oats, 1 cup cottage cheese. Place in blender and blend until smooth. At this point you can add frozen or fresh blueberries if you’d like to. Pour about a cup of the batter into the waffle iron and cook until steam stops (each iron is different). Waffles should be fluffy and toasty on the top. If you waffle is sad and limp, let ‘er cook a little while longer. I find my waffles take extra time.

Some tips – you can add flax seed, frozen or fresh banana, or bee pollen to your mixture before blending. I use sugar free maple syrup, Matt likes peanut butter and jelly. ENJOY!!

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