Muscle Muffins

When I was given the list of things I was allowed to eat by my diet coach I immediately started brain storming on how to make things more interesting.

Breakfast at my house is a busy time and if I can’t grab my food and run, I don’t get to eat.

Now that I’m prepping for my show I CANNOT skip or grab a protein bar. I MUST have food and it MUST be fast. I don’t have the time to scramble egg whites, cook fresh oatmeal and to be honest – eggs & oats get old fast.

These aren’t quite like your local bakery’s blueberry muffins (a fraction of the sugar and calories) BUT when you’re eating super clean and on the go, they taste pretty damn good and will keep you full!

Ingredients: (makes 1 GIANT soufflé or 2 BIG muffins)
1/2c Whole rolled oats
1c Egg white
1/4c Blueberries
Cooking spray
1 Splenda packet
Dash of cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350.  LIGHTLY spray muffin tins/ramekins with cooking spray.  Mix all ingredients together with a fork and pour into muffin tins or ramekins. Bake for 40 minutes or until risen and golden brown. Let cool completely before freezing.


Lightly spray with cooking spray

Preheat oven 350



Add Eggs

Dash of Cinnamon





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